Oakley Church of England Combined School
Love, Honesty, Respect
We celebrated British Science Week in school with an assembly led by school staff. We led science demonstrations to wow the children including making elephant toothpaste and lighting a whoosh bottle which surprised the children and triggered a round of applause from them. We set up varying amounts of white vinegar in film canisters, added Alka Seltzer tablets and the lids. The children squealed as the lids popped off and flew into the air one at a time! There were one or two that didn’t work, providing us with the opportunity to discuss the fact that scientific discovery doesn’t always go to plan and how many things were invented by accident, or discovered whilst investigating something different. Hopefully this gave the children greater confidence to have a go at their own investigations during the week. I am looking forward to seeing the work they have produced.
We decided to make our STEM fair bigger and better this year so we moved it to the summer term. Please come along on 19th June at 1.30pm to join us.