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Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect

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Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect



Vision, Values and Spirituality Statement

As a Church school, a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is conducted every five years. You can find our most recent report below.


The framework provides a process for evaluating the extent to which church schools are ‘distinctively and recognisably Christian institutions’1. This phrase from the Dearing report 2001 is further explained and developed in the Chadwick report2 March 2012, as is summarised below:

1. Distinctiveness must include a wholehearted commitment to putting faith and spiritual development at the heart of the curriculum.

2. The Christian ethos must permeate the whole educational experience.

3. The importance of clearly ascribed Christian values and their outworking in the life of schools is widely accepted but may need embedding.

4. High quality religious education and collective worship should continue to make major contributions to the church school’s Christian ethos.

5. Pupils should be enabled to engage seriously with and develop an understanding of the person and teachings of Jesus Christ.

6. Every child should be enabled to flourish in their potential as a child of God, as a sign and expression of the Kingdom. This is at the heart of the Church’s distinctive mission.
