Oakley Church of England Combined School
Love, Honesty, Respect
At Oakley C of E Primary School, we take the mental health of our school community very seriously. We aim to provide our children with many skills to support their mental health as they grow, develop and experience different situations at primary school and at home. We support this emotional growth through stories, assemblies, circle times, outdoor learning sessions and dedicated PSHE lessons and teaching through our carefully selected school values.
Why develop mental health in primary schools
Mental health promotion involves creating and enhancing environments that support the development of positive mental health, wellbeing and healthy lifestyles. Research shows that developing positive mental health and wellbeing is most effective when it takes place early in a child or young person's' life.
There is much evidence that pupils learn more effectively, if they are happy in their work, believe in themselves, have good relationships with teachers. A key component for wellbeing to be developed is that children feel safe at school, that school is supporting them and that they belong.
Outside of school children can be exposed to many factors which can influence their mental health and wellbeing. These factors can help develop wellbeing or contribute to having a negative impact on wellbeing levels. The school environment provides a valuable opportunity for wellbeing to be promoted and mental health to be protected for all children including the most vulnerable and at risk.
The Role of Primary Schools in Positive Mental Health
Promoting good mental health and wellbeing of children is an increasingly important function in schools. Mental health is now recognised as a shared responsibility and most importantly promoting good wellbeing and preventing mental health issues through building wellbeing and resilience and identifying mental health problems early is essential.
Why is building wellbeing so important for children at school?
Primary schools can be a powerful force in minimising risk factors through promoting and protecting emotional health and wellbeing. Supporting primary schools and educational settings is key to enabling children to promote and protect factors for mental health as they grow up. We do that through cultivating strategies for wellbeing through explicit teaching of a wellbeing curriculum and the implicit experience of the day-to-day experience of wellbeing at school.
Wellbeing Support and Resources for Buckinghamshire Families
If you need to contact Mind Buckinghamshire for information, support and advice their Mental Health Helpline for Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire which is manned by trained mental health advisers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week can be contacted via:
For adult help and advice call 01865 904997
Children and Young People 01865 904998