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Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect

School Logo

Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect



Attendance Letter to Parents and Attendance Leaflet 

Attendance Statement

Absence Procedure


If your child is unwell and requires time off school please telephone the school office by 8.30am every day of the absence.  If your child has a bout of sickness or diarrhoea they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode. 


Please see the useful NHS  links below for more advice.


Requests for absence due to family holidays must be submitted using the BCC form, link below.  Authorised leave is only granted in exceptional circumstances.

No holiday leave is granted as authorised. 

Attendance Academic Year 2023/24


By Class:

Butterflies - 92.38%

Robins - 95.44%

Owls -  95.12%

Badgers - 94.97%


Whole School Attendance Academic Year Ending 23rd July 2024

94.53% (Authorised Leave 4.39%, Unauthorised Leave 1.07%)

Attendance Academic Year 2022/23

Whole school attendance Academic Year 2022-23

94.54%  (Authorised 4.70%  Unauthorised 0.76%)

Attendance Academic Year 2021/22

Whole School Attendance Academic Year 2021-22

94.58%  (Authorised 4.08%, Unauthorised 1.33%)


Attendance Academic Year 2020/21


Whole School Attendance Academic Year 2020/21

96.29% (Authorised 2.69%, Unauthorised 1.02%)



Attendance for Academic Year 2019/20

Whole School Attendance Academic Year 2019/20

93.46% (Authorised 6.11%, Unauthorised 0.44%)


Attendance for Academic Year 2018/19

Whole School Attendance Academic Year 2018/19

96.23% (Authorised 3.00%, Unauthorised 0.77%) 



Leave of Absence Request Form and NHS Advice Links

Late Arrivals


The pedestrian gate is closed at 8.50am, all children are expected to be in their classrooms ready for registration by this time.


If your child arrives after 8.50am they must be accompanied to the main front door and signed in by the accompanying adult before going to their classroom.
