Oakley Church of England Combined School
Love, Honesty, Respect
Each child and member of staff in our school is a member of a 'house', these are named after local landmarks and areas: Blenheim, Chequers, Chiltern and Rothschild.
Houses are made up of pupils from all year groups giving an extra dimension to the social structure of the school. Every September we invite our Year 6 children to complete an application form to become house captain. The children are then interviewed by the Headteacher and the Y6 teacher.
At our annual Sports' Day the houses compete against each other. The day always opens with the houses parading round the track with their banners.
Our pupils develop a sense of commitment to their house and enjoy the friendly rivalry during competitions. They are able to identify and integrate with other age groups and feel part of a unit beyond their immediate peer group.
Each house has a chosen charity for which they organise fundraising activities on a designated day once a year.
Click on the house tabs to read about their fundraising activities and totals.