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Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect

School Logo

Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect



Summer Term 2024

Link to our production songs:

Please see the second item - Sing it Rock Bottom

and in the second section Back to The Beginning Step by Step

Common Exception Words Year 5 and 6

Autumn Term 2023 - 2024

Summer Term 2023

Production, Celebration and Leavers

Bray Lake 2023


Please accept our apologies for only a few photos of the day.  The IPad overheated in the sun and didn't work for much of the day.  We did have a wonderful time, as you may see from the few photos we did manage.

Spring Term 2023

Thank you for attending the presentation evening for KS2 SATs.  If you were unable to attend, the slides are uploaded below.  Please come and speak to me if you have any queries or concerns.  Although we have recently held parent meetings, please email, call or pop in if there is anything you would like to discuss beyond these meetings. Thank you.


There are parent packs uploaded on this page, if you feel you would like further examples of questions or what children should know to be secondary ready.  These contain some questions you could work through with your child to provide a little extra support.

SATS presentation

Autumn Term 2022

Our beautiful Christingle Service led by Badgers Class
