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Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect

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Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect


Thame Rotary Swimathon 2024

Yesterday our intrepid team of swimmers represented Oakley School at the 2024 Thame Rotary Swimathon at Thame Leisure Centre.  They did us proud swimming an incredible 110 lengths in 55 minutes.  So far they have raised £195.00, which will be shared between Thame Rotary and our pool maintenance fund.  If you are able to make a small donation please use the link below which will be available for another week.  Thank you so much for your support and huge thanks to Jess, Megan, Ariadne, Ophelia, James and Josh for swimming so well.

The final amount raised for Oakley School was £112.00.  This will be used towards pool costs this summer.  Thank you again to our team of swimmers.
