Oakley Church of England Combined School
Love, Honesty, Respect
I am excited to announce Oakley C of E Combined School’s first science fair on Friday 22nd March 2019 starting at 1.30pm and running through to the end of the school day.
I am hoping several of you will be able to help us out on the afternoon. Ideally I am looking for people who have a simple activity they would be happy to run, people who use science, technology, engineering or maths as part of their job to bring pictures, leaflets, equipment to display and be prepared to answer questions about their work.
It would also be valuable to showcase businesses who have links to STEM. They could bring leaflets, sell books or park vehicles on the playground.
If you are interested or have a family member or friend who may like to help us out, please contact the school on 01844 238364 or contact me via email marked for my attention to office@oakley.bucks.sch.uk
Thanking you for your support,
Serena Courtney, Science Coordinator