Oakley Church of England Combined School
Love, Honesty, Respect
As you can see, building work is progressing at a rapid rate and thankfully much of the noisy, messy, inconvenient work has been undertaken after school hours or at the weekend. For the next two weeks (at least) some of this work has to be completed in school hours so please be advised that the entry point for visitors will change. This does not affect the children- children will still enter and leave through the field gate. Entry to school for visitors will be through the fire exit behind the old staff room. Signage (and a bell to alert us) will be in place to advise you of how to alert the office staff that you are there.
Obviously this will cause major disruption for my staff therefore I would urge you to ensure that your child is in school on time so that they do not have to use this route in to school. If your child has an appointment, please let the office know when you will collect them. Even though we love to see you, please where possible, phone us instead of coming to the office.
Parents bringing children to Breakfast Club please be vigilant when walking through the car park and ensure that your child stays close to you.
I also need to remind parents that they cannot park in the school car park at any time. At this stage of the building works it is even more important that this ruling is adhered to as contractors’ vehicles are entering and leaving the site from 7.00am to 6.00pm.
Thank you for your co-operation.