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Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect

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Oakley Church of England Combined School

Love, Honesty, Respect


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Note to our Families from Mrs Witton

    Thu 26 Mar 2020 Iola Seaton-Reid

    Good afternoon and I hope everyone is well.

    The first week of school closure seems to have gone as well as we could have hoped. I would like to say a big thank you to Oakley’s teachers for preparing work for children both in and out of school. This is a new challenge for us and the teachers have presented learning opportunities quite creatively and differently. This will obviously take time to perfect so please bear with us until we are able to purchase better recording equipment other than our phones! We have decided to use the website and email as our main teaching and learning platforms and I hope you have been able to access this easily.

    We also must applaud our parents who are doing a sterling job teaching their children at home although I have had to laugh at photos and messages on social media that suggests parents will find a cure for COVID-19 before the scientists do! The emails the office and teaching staff have received show that the children and their parents are beginning to settle into more of a routine at home and it has been great to see photos of the children at work. Teachers are beginning to make weekly phone calls to parents and to talk to the children to ensure they can access the work set. Hopefully this will bring some normality to the children’s lives although apparently you could hear the shock of some children when they realised their teacher wanted to speak to them!  Well done to all of our parents and thank you.

    The children of key workers who have joined us this week have been an absolute delight- it’s been like having our own little family although we are missing everyone else. The children, like those at home, have spent 1.5 to 2 hours focusing on the same school work as the children have at home. This has been supplemented by some serious digging in the mud kitchen and reweaving of the willow amongst other activities. This afternoon’s activity consisted of a science lesson which dissolved (scientific term!) into a choreography session to ‘Dancing Queen’ led by Emily D- Mrs Courtney and Miss Schonert are now exhausted!

    We are thinking of you all, stay safe and enjoy the sun.

    The Oakley Team.

  • Note to our families 26.03.20

    Thu 26 Mar 2020 Iola Seaton-Reid

    Good afternoon and I hope everyone is well.

    The first week of school closure seems to have gone as well as we could have hoped. I would like to say a big thank you to Oakley’s teachers for preparing work for children both in and out of school. This is a new challenge for us and the teachers have presented learning opportunities quite creatively and differently. This will obviously take time to perfect so please bear with us until we are able to purchase better recording equipment other than our phones! We have decided to use the website and email as our main teaching and learning platforms and I hope you have been able to access this easily.

    We also must applaud our parents who are doing a sterling job teaching their children at home although I have had to laugh at photos and messages on social media that suggests parents will find a cure for COVID-19 before the scientists do! The emails the office and teaching staff have received show that the children and their parents are beginning to settle into more of a routine at home and it has been great to see photos of the children at work. Teachers are beginning to make weekly phone calls to parents and to talk to the children to ensure they can access the work set. Hopefully this will bring some normality to the children’s lives although apparently you could hear the shock of some children when they realised their teacher wanted to speak to them!  Well done to all of our parents and thank you.

    The children of key workers who have joined us this week have been an absolute delight- it’s been like having our own little family although we are missing everyone else. The children, like those at home, have spent 1.5 to 2 hours focusing on the same school work as the children have at home. This has been supplemented by some serious digging in the mud kitchen and reweaving of the willow amongst other activities. This afternoon’s activity consisted of a science lesson which dissolved (scientific term!) into a choreography session to ‘Dancing Queen’ led by Emily D- Mrs Courtney and Miss Schonert are now exhausted!

    We are thinking of you all, stay safe and enjoy the sun.

    The Oakley Team.

  • Note to our families 26.03.20

    Thu 26 Mar 2020 Iola Seaton-Reid

    Good afternoon and I hope everyone is well.

    The first week of school closure seems to have gone as well as we could have hoped. I would like to say a big thank you to Oakley’s teachers for preparing work for children both in and out of school. This is a new challenge for us and the teachers have presented learning opportunities quite creatively and differently. This will obviously take time to perfect so please bear with us until we are able to purchase better recording equipment other than our phones! We have decided to use the website and email as our main teaching and learning platforms and I hope you have been able to access this easily.

    We also must applaud our parents who are doing a sterling job teaching their children at home although I have had to laugh at photos and messages on social media that suggests parents will find a cure for COVID-19 before the scientists do! The emails the office and teaching staff have received show that the children and their parents are beginning to settle into more of a routine at home and it has been great to see photos of the children at work. Teachers are beginning to make weekly phone calls to parents and to talk to the children to ensure they can access the work set. Hopefully this will bring some normality to the children’s lives although apparently you could hear the shock of some children when they realised their teacher wanted to speak to them!  Well done to all of our parents and thank you.

    The children of key workers who have joined us this week have been an absolute delight- it’s been like having our own little family although we are missing everyone else. The children, like those at home, have spent 1.5 to 2 hours focusing on the same school work as the children have at home. This has been supplemented by some serious digging in the mud kitchen and reweaving of the willow amongst other activities. This afternoon’s activity consisted of a science lesson which dissolved (scientific term!) into a choreography session to ‘Dancing Queen’ led by Emily D- Mrs Courtney and Miss Schonert are now exhausted!

    We are thinking of you all, stay safe and enjoy the sun.

    The Oakley Team.

  • Note to our families 26.03.20

    Thu 26 Mar 2020 Iola Seaton-Reid

    Good afternoon and I hope everyone is well.

    The first week of school closure seems to have gone as well as we could have hoped. I would like to say a big thank you to Oakley’s teachers for preparing work for children both in and out of school. This is a new challenge for us and the teachers have presented learning opportunities quite creatively and differently. This will obviously take time to perfect so please bear with us until we are able to purchase better recording equipment other than our phones! We have decided to use the website and email as our main teaching and learning platforms and I hope you have been able to access this easily.

    We also must applaud our parents who are doing a sterling job teaching their children at home although I have had to laugh at photos and messages on social media that suggests parents will find a cure for COVID-19 before the scientists do! The emails the office and teaching staff have received show that the children and their parents are beginning to settle into more of a routine at home and it has been great to see photos of the children at work. Teachers are beginning to make weekly phone calls to parents and to talk to the children to ensure they can access the work set. Hopefully this will bring some normality to the children’s lives although apparently you could hear the shock of some children when they realised their teacher wanted to speak to them!  Well done to all of our parents and thank you.

    The children of key workers who have joined us this week have been an absolute delight- it’s been like having our own little family although we are missing everyone else. The children, like those at home, have spent 1.5 to 2 hours focusing on the same school work as the children have at home. This has been supplemented by some serious digging in the mud kitchen and reweaving of the willow amongst other activities. This afternoon’s activity consisted of a science lesson which dissolved (scientific term!) into a choreography session to ‘Dancing Queen’ led by Emily D- Mrs Courtney and Miss Schonert are now exhausted!

    We are thinking of you all, stay safe and enjoy the sun.

    The Oakley Team.

  • Stay at Home Guidance for Households

    Thu 26 Mar 2020 Iola Seaton-Reid
  • Robins Class Visit to the Living Rainforest

    Fri 13 Mar 2020 Serena Courtney

    On Thursday 12th March Robins visited Living Rainforest near Newbury.

    We have been learning about where tropical rainforests are located in the world and studying the plants and animals.  We had time to explore as well as an amazing tour by the guide who taught us all about how plants and animals have adapted to live in the different layers of this unique environment. We saw waterproof leaves, camouflaged animals and some with the most amazing colours, either because of their diet or as a warning of danger.  The children learned so many facts they could recall back at school and all of them commented on how hot and sweaty it was there!  It really brought to life everything they have been learning and of course a quick run in the park at lunch time caused a great deal of excitement, where they made me very proud by being so caring and considerate of a mum and her little boy.  She was so impressed she thanked us several times.  What great ambassadors of our school they were!

  • Sports Relief 2020

    Fri 13 Mar 2020 Iola Seaton-Reid
    Rothschild House did a tremendous job raising approximately £115 for Sports Relief.  Money was raised through a sports gear mufti day and by selling healthy fruit cones (with a little bit of ice cream) after school.  Thank you to everyone who supported us today.
  • Science Week

    Thu 12 Mar 2020 Serena Courtney

    We celebrated British Science Week in school with an assembly led by school staff.  We led science demonstrations to wow the children including making elephant toothpaste and lighting a whoosh bottle which surprised the children and triggered a round of applause from them.  We set up varying amounts of white vinegar in film canisters, added Alka Seltzer tablets and the lids.  The children squealed as the lids popped off and flew into the air one at a time!  There were one or two that didn’t work, providing us with the opportunity to discuss the fact that scientific discovery doesn’t always go to plan and how many things were invented by accident, or discovered whilst investigating something different. Hopefully this gave the children greater confidence to have a go at their own investigations during the week.  I am looking forward to seeing the work they have produced.

    We decided to make our STEM fair bigger and better this year so we moved it to the summer term.  Please come along on 19th June at 1.30pm to join us.

  • West End in Schools

    Fri 06 Mar 2020 Iola Seaton-Reid

    As part of our World Book Day celebrations we welcomed Amy from West End in Schools today.  She worked with each class acting and dancing scenes from The Lorax and Coraline.


    Mrs Courtney said that Robins' Class  'thoroughly enjoyed acting out and dancing scenes from The Lorax.  The children were so keen and excited, they forgot to be quiet until later on!  The freeze frames, movement to tell parts of the story and dance really helped the children to bring the story alive.  They had such a good time and it really helped them to pick out the key parts of the story.' 


    Owls' Class teacher, Mrs Morley, said 'The children were really engaged in the dance activity.  They worked well in groups and really appreciated that, by the end of the session, they had produced a piece of dance theatre.  I was impressed at how the session was structured and paced, providing a framework but also allowing space for the children's creativity.'

  • World Book Day 2020

    Thu 05 Mar 2020 Iola Seaton-Reid
    We have had a fantastic day in school celebrating World Book Day.  As well as dressing up as our favourite book characters the pupils made a book character with a potato.  Lots of stories were shared and read in class.  Thank you to our parents for your efforts in creating such original costumes.